Data Security & Compliance Our Pledge to Protecting Your Data Across Borders

For US and UK firms offshoring to India, data security is crucial. We ensure GDPR and SOC2 compliance, guaranteeing data protection.

Data Security

Data or Cyber security is of utmost importance to StratShore, we have carried out the process of identifying the risk, implementing the security controls to mitigate risk in terms of physical security, Network security, Human resource training and confidentially and work from home security measures.

Our data security policies are based on the lines of SOC-2 issued by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), GDPR (UK & Europe) & ISO 27001:2022. We have also fine-tuned our data security and confidentiality policies as per principles of SOC-2 framework i.e. Privacy, confidentiality, security, availability and processing integrity.

ISO 27001:2022

Prepared for the ISO 27001:2022 certification in information security management.

Data Encryption Protocol

Strong data encryption methods implemented to safeguard sensitive information against unauthorized access or theft.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Incorporation of multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection for client data.

Staff Training

Continuous employee training in data security best practices to ensure awareness of individual roles in upholding data security.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Ongoing surveillance and assessment of our security protocols to detect and remedy any potential vulnerabilities.

Cloud based Technology

Employment of cloud-based solutions adhering to industry-recognized security and compliance norms.

Security & Limited Access

Frequent security evaluations for our protective measures. Rigorous access restrictions ensure only authorized staff access sensitive data.

Disaster Recovery

Establishment of disaster recovery and business continuity strategies to maintain operations during data breaches or other critical incidents.