Our Process Curious How We Operate? Let’s Walk You Through Our Offshoring Solution Process

How We Employ Your Offshore Team

  • 01.
    We familiarize ourselves with your organization, understanding both your local business goals and the aims of the offshore positions.
  • 02.
    You share an exhaustive role description covering qualifications, competencies, past experiences, duties, behavioral attributes, and preferred work habits.
  • 03.
    We scrutinize the provided role specifics and conduct an in-depth study of the position. We then offer a clear cost breakdown tailored to the Indian employment market, enabling you to make a well-informed financial decision.
  • 04.
    Once you give the green light, we officially initiate the talent acquisition phase.
  • 05.
    We utilize a comprehensive, multi-platform recruitment strategy to publicize and draw the most competent candidates. If needed, we can incorporate your bespoke evaluation methods.
  • 06.
    We screen candidates and compile a roster of the top contenders.
  • 07.
    You then can interview your top picks, ensuring the best match for your organization. You can opt for several interview rounds involving diverse team members.
  • 08.
    After you’ve identified the ideal candidate, we present them with a formal proposition and coordinate their joining date.
  • 09.
    We manage the newcomer’s integration into StratShore, ensuring they have the necessary workspace and acquainting them with our infrastructure and guidelines related to security.
  • 10.
    Subsequently, the responsibility shifts to you for specific organizational and role-based training.

Always On: Support & Feedback Sync We ensure your business experiences consistent, high-quality performance. As your partner, we understand that the business landscape can change, and we’re here to adapt alongside you.

Transition Specialist

Our teams are always on hand to address any challenges swiftly.

Periodic Check-ins

We don’t wait for an issue to arise. Through regular updates, we stay aligned with your goals and vision.

Day to Day Management

We regularly supervise the team members provided to your company.

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