The StratShore Difference Bringing Finance & Accounts value by Cultivating Talent

Our Differentiators

Efficient F&A management, granting you the freedom to prioritize growth. 

Domain Expertise

Our Talent isn’t only highly experienced and adheres to stringent GAAP and IFRS standards, but they also continuously update their knowledge to stay abreast of the latest developments in modern accounting practices.

Flexi-Scale model

We provide scalable remote F&A teams tailored to align with your changing needs. Regardless of your F&A needs, our dedicated team stands ready to serve.

Software Expertise

With our expertise in various leading F&A analytical platforms, including traditional software and contemporary cloud-based tools, we create a seamless F&A process for your company.

Client Connect

At StratShore, we emphasize continuous communication to understand your business goals and deliver not just outcomes, but impactful results.

StratShore Vs. Other Offshoring Providers

What Makes Us the Better Choice? 


Serve all major Industries 

Very low attrition rate 

Multiple Business Centers 

ISO 27001, SOC 2 & GDPR Ready 

You are involved in recruitment process 



Attrition Rate



Recruitment Process

Other Offshoring Providers 

Limited to only few Industries 

High attrition rate 

Confined to 1 or 2 locations 

Lack comprehensive security protocols 

No control over selecting the candidate 

How We Help Your Business 

Shaping Finance & Accounting Strategies for Your Business Growth

50% Cost Reduction 

Hire our dedicated full-time professionals at only 50% of your In-house staff cost.


We handle recruitment, onboarding, and training, letting you focus on core business tasks.

Employee Benefits Covered

We cover all the employee benefit expenses.

Zero Starting Fees

Our client-centric approach means no upfront costs or hidden charges for you. 

Hassle-Free Staffing

Access our elite talent pool for your specific professional needs. 

Direct Expert Assistance

Connect with top professionals, experts in their respective F&A areas. 

Save on Infrastructure

You won’t need to provide any IT infrastructure; we’ve got it all covered for you. 

No Overhead Cost

Cut down on your expenses related to utilities, rent, and other operational costs. 

Effortless Compliance

Liberate yourself from the complexities of compliance burdens. 

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